Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Well I was going to post today and annouce that I'm once again motivated to lose some weight. I don't have a lot to lose fortunately, but 10-15 lbs. would do wonders for me. I joined a fitness program which I'll blog about later and I'm ready to kick the lazies and get fit(ter).

And then the irony comes. The Man walked in from work with several boxes of Girl Scout cookies! Aargh! I never buy them because I just know I'll be tempted. But he bought some from someone at work and they arrived today. Oy. I guess I'll just have to work out harder because I'm sure as heck not gonna let good cookies go to waste!


j said...

My keychain says "Brownie Dropout". I was a Scout leader and it took more organization than I have. I passed the baton to a poor unsuspecting soul and she made it less time than I. Not easy at all. Jennifer

Oh, and 'Samoas and Tagalongs' ROCK!

Chanin said...

LOL! You sound just like me! I am trying to lose 10-15 lbs. too and my husband brought home about 8 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies! Needless to say, I ate a good portion of them. I worked out twice yesterday....