Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A family of umpies...

Oy what a time it's been around here lately. I'll spare you the gruesome details but we all have had the umpies including strep throat, eye infection, ear infections, fevers, and lots of icky things I won't go into.

The Kids all seem to be better now, The Man is good and I'm on the tail end of my umpies so I'm hoping to be back in full swing soon. We haven't touched our flip house in over a week and that's not good. We're usually not a sickly bunch but this has been the worst winter we've ever had.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Oh my! I hope you all get to feeling better soon!

BTW...thanks for your visit to my blog party post, I'm finally getting around to returning the favor. :)